Border Brokerage Workshop
Join us for a complimentary half-day workshop that will provide you with valuable information to help you implement best practices in managing your export
process into the U.S.
About the seminar
Exporting to the U.S. has many challenges, including the proper application of tariff classification, valuation and NAFTA. This FedEx Trade Networks workshop will provide current and practical information on U.S. regulations in these important areas.
Incorrect tariff classification number, valuation, or NAFTA may impact your business financially, which could include additional duties, taxes and penalties. This workshop will refresh your understanding of the traditional areas of compliance being targeted by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) audits and verifications.
Topics to be covered
- Tariff classification, including the general rules of interpretation
- Valuation rules for U.S. imports
- Transaction values, related party issues, assists, royalties
- NAFTA rules of origin (tariff shift and regional value content)
- Importance of tariff classification to NAFTA compliance
- The NAFTA verification process
- Potential violations and penalty implications
- Key issues related to customs audits
October 30 – Cornwall, ON
8:30 a.m.–12 p.m.
and continental breakfast at 8 a.m.
Ramada Hotel &
Conference Centre
805 Brookdale Avenue
Cornwall, ON K6J 4P3
Simply click on the button below to register, or email greg_zuba@ftn.fedex.com. Be sure to include attendee names, email addresses, contact phone numbers, company name and any specific question you would like us to address.
FedEx, Attn: Email Address Update, 2820 B Street NW, Suite 101, Auburn, WA 98001, United States
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